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Friday, July 17, 2009

Fingerless Gloves on Two Needles (Free Pattern)

Fingerless Gloves on Two Needles (Free Pattern)

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I ran across this, and I have loved these things for so many years! I could not help but share them! I have finished the front door curtain just a short time ago and am looking for something else to keep my hands and mind busy and off of other things that creep into my mind and depress me. I am thankful that my Grandmothers and mother have taught me the crafts that I feel have gone by the wayside in our present generations. I am now, looking over the net in search of the right threads/yarns and needles that I will need. I have been looking for 'gauntlet' patterns. I want to make some for myself, they have no finger holes, come down over the top of your knuckles and farther up your arms. The look very warm for the winter and fall days along the "Big Lake" here.
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Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Oh My! **giggle**

I have slept the morning away! I NEVER sleep this late! I woke very early this morning to the most wonderful thunder storm! We so needed the rain here terribly. Everything was so dry. I have been carrying water out to my poor little Blueberry Bushes out back and they are so sad looking. (It is their first year) I, at times, think that they are not going to make it and no w2here near worth what I paid for them. They are flat pitiful looking! At least they are still alive. **giggle** I am sure that it is going to be steamy out today, I am contemplating on finally turning the Air on. The front part of the house here gets toasty when that sun comes around and shines through the very large window here in the living room. I really want to get that curtain finished crocheted for the door window. I am so close to having it finished and then to make 3 more panels for the living room window here. Now that one, turned out just BEAUTIFUL! I do have my work cut out for me! I have to make a throw for my adopted Hero also. I have made one for each of my adopted for Christmas since joining Soldiers Angels. I have a box of stuff almost ready to send out for them. I have not heard from them, but their are those that you never hear from and then those that faithfully write you and fill you with such great pride.

Well, I have sat here, drank some coffee and am almost awake. Little Mr. Beaker is telling me it is time for me to change his water and feed. (That I did just last night, but lol, little spoiled brat **giggle**) He seen me munching on a Peanut Butter Sandwich and thinks he has to have a bit of what you are eating, so I gave him a pice of the brad crust. Now he is happy. **giggle** I have created a monster I swear **giggle**

Later my internet friends!

Friday, July 10, 2009

What Is It With Some People!!!!

You know I just don't get some people! One kind that has been getting my goat lately has put themselves in dire straits financially, and now has reformed a group that charged a lifetime membership to a group, then upped that and now is charging more money per tutorials they do. The have a constant flow of begging for donations and prayers to help her pay back taxes, mortgages, and more money to live on, they have 2 houses they own, are renting another, are taking in people off the streets. Man, I would have never even thought about buying the 2nd place with the way things are today. I think maybe their "God" is teaching them a lesson not to be so damn greedy? I mean, you have to stop and think with some common sense! If you are having trouble financially, why pile more on yourself and buy a second house?

Next you have the others that are just plain nasty to everyone! Always cussing and putting people down, just plain rude and disrespectful! I don't know where these people get off! I tell ya! Here you are gaming on line having a good time, enjoying the company of other people and then a bunch of young punks that are so insecure with themselves thay have to counter act that by putting people down and trashing them! Here is something I enjoyed so very much with my cousin and son, and it has been so tainted! So many people have left the guild due to the few that are now ruling and running things. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I tell you the solitary life looks better all the time. I have been emersing myself in my reading, cross stitch and crocheting and I have not been this peaceful and happy in a long long time. I guess you just have to step back and tell the whole world you have known for so long to Piss Off.

Now is my time, as I see fit to do what I want when I want with out a bunch of greedy, mouthy, idiots trying to run my life and tell me what to do and when to do it!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Crochet Flower-Lilly of the Valley

I just got this free pattern and am thinking that I will do a couple of these only I am going to use the pearl cotton threads and not yarn. I have seen others done like that and turned out SO nice. Another project on the books for winter!

Crochet Flower: Lilly Of The Valley

Found in the book 100 Flowers to Knit & Crochet: A Collection of Beautiful Blooms for Embellishing Garments, Accessories, and More

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Well, here I sit, I finished book 4. (Shame on me for being so engrossed in a book **giggle**) I went ahead and had our local bookstore order the 5th book, will probably be here by the weekend. Today has been overcast and I got out for a short walk. The mosquitoes are just horrible this year! They are small nasty little buggers! Totally vicious!

Anyway, today has been so peaceful and quiet. The weather, in all honesty, is some of my favorite. I do love the thunder and rainy days also. It evokes calming and serenity to me.

Well, I have gotten hardly anything done around the house the last couple of days, and guess I should get my hiney in gear around here so I can feel some sense of accomplishment as I look around my small homestead here. Till later my internet friends.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Weiss & Hickman RULE!

I have been working on the Death Gate Cycle Series by Weiss and Hickman. (Let me pause here to tell you, I have been trying for many years to have and take the time to, but it seemed that there were always other Real Life urgency, if you will, that stepped in and did not allow me to indulge in the expense of buying their books, and are non existing at our library here in town.)I have finished the first 3 books and am a bit over 1/2 way through the 4th. I have just been so engrossed in it! It is truly a series of books that I would highly recommend for all lovers of Fantasy Writing. Well, I hear the timer on the stove going off, as am I to get dinner on the table and eagerly return to my reading...

Off and Running Soon...

Well, right now, having coffee and will be heading out soon to Mum's House and working on refinishing the chairs that go with my antique table in the kitchen. I want to get them done and back to the house here this summer. The table is just adorable! It was found in my Great Aunt's Basement. It's a beautiful small oak one that is just perfect for the kitchen.

Not much else is really going on around here. Went and picked up book 4 of "The Death Gate Cycle" by Hickman and Weiss yesterday and last night and early this morning could not put it down. I do so love thier writing! At least plan of this stage in my life is a constant. LOL

Far as WoW, I have not been playing hardly at all. I guess after 3 years I have just burned myself out on it and with the 'New Crew' that was brought into our guild on Echo Isles server that is so foul mouthed and disrespectful, the game has lost all the fun. Seems that 5 of us that are founding members have the same sentiments and are no longer playing. I have been going to another server and playing with my son, and cousin. Even there I have not been online much.

I have once again adopted a Soldier through Soldiers Angels. Just wrote and am getting a care package ready. It is a great organization that does alot for our troops. This I am very thankful to belong to. I don't get involved in the forums like I once used to.

I guess living alone all these years, living a solitary life is best for me. I have never had much patience for people with the 'Look At Me Syndrome'. Arrogance tests me to the very core. Being a solitary soul is the way I live I guess. I have always thought it is your actions that show what kind of a person you are, and the more you shout and brag about what you do, cheapens and dirties the actions you take in life. The 'Creator, Goddess', or what you deem as your 'higher power' that knows what you have done and there should the rewards come from, and from within yourself. It is the quiet battles and victories that are worth the most. There in lies the true satisfaction of your actions.

Well, it is time for me to went here and get about and going in my plans for today. I have just noticed that I need to get out to the feed store, my poor little Gold and Purple Finches are about out of seed for the the feeders in the front yard. I so love watching them come and go through the day. I so love to watch all the birds that come to the feeders year round.

Till later my internet friends!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Time Flies...

Time has flown by. A lot have things have changed in real life here. Loved one's have passed over, loved ones have been born. Life is an ever revolving circle. I have been doing a lot of crocheting and finally have finished my front window curtains, and am 1/2 way done with the one for the front porch door. My little homestead here is coming along. **grin** My next project is finishing off a very large cross stitch tapestry. I have not been gaming like I sued to and my life is a whole lot happier, with a whole lot less stress.

CJ is off to Colorado and making his way in the world after landing a very good job. I am really thankful that he found something with the way the economy is these days. He seems to be very happy with what he is doing and is getting to travel. It's a wonderful thing! I am very happy and proud for and of him.

Soon as I get some pictures taken of my work, I will be posting them for you to see, along with links and other things I come across to share with all. Please be sure to check back, I am, going to try and keep this updated at least every couple of days, if not every day. Again, thank you for stopping by and visiting!