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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Off and Running Soon...

Well, right now, having coffee and will be heading out soon to Mum's House and working on refinishing the chairs that go with my antique table in the kitchen. I want to get them done and back to the house here this summer. The table is just adorable! It was found in my Great Aunt's Basement. It's a beautiful small oak one that is just perfect for the kitchen.

Not much else is really going on around here. Went and picked up book 4 of "The Death Gate Cycle" by Hickman and Weiss yesterday and last night and early this morning could not put it down. I do so love thier writing! At least plan of this stage in my life is a constant. LOL

Far as WoW, I have not been playing hardly at all. I guess after 3 years I have just burned myself out on it and with the 'New Crew' that was brought into our guild on Echo Isles server that is so foul mouthed and disrespectful, the game has lost all the fun. Seems that 5 of us that are founding members have the same sentiments and are no longer playing. I have been going to another server and playing with my son, and cousin. Even there I have not been online much.

I have once again adopted a Soldier through Soldiers Angels. Just wrote and am getting a care package ready. It is a great organization that does alot for our troops. This I am very thankful to belong to. I don't get involved in the forums like I once used to.

I guess living alone all these years, living a solitary life is best for me. I have never had much patience for people with the 'Look At Me Syndrome'. Arrogance tests me to the very core. Being a solitary soul is the way I live I guess. I have always thought it is your actions that show what kind of a person you are, and the more you shout and brag about what you do, cheapens and dirties the actions you take in life. The 'Creator, Goddess', or what you deem as your 'higher power' that knows what you have done and there should the rewards come from, and from within yourself. It is the quiet battles and victories that are worth the most. There in lies the true satisfaction of your actions.

Well, it is time for me to went here and get about and going in my plans for today. I have just noticed that I need to get out to the feed store, my poor little Gold and Purple Finches are about out of seed for the the feeders in the front yard. I so love watching them come and go through the day. I so love to watch all the birds that come to the feeders year round.

Till later my internet friends!

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